Write every day to become a stronger humanAI tools create the illusion that knowing how to write isn’t necessary any more.2h ago62h ago6
How seeing in four dimensions is the remedy to escapismAs I write this, I am seeing four dimensions. It’s pretty crazy.9h ago59h ago5
This small change massively improved the engagement with my writing…If you ask the best writers what one thing improved their writing the most, many would tell you to simply write more.1d ago61d ago6
You can’t outwork someone who is enjoying themselvesWith all the various hacks, tricks, formulas and clever solutions people come up with to make us more productive…2d ago32d ago3
How to develop psychological immunity to the fear of rejection from others“Only you can take inner freedom away from yourself, or give it to yourself. Nobody else can.” — Michael A. Singer3d ago53d ago5
Why are so many struggling emotionally these days?Mental health problems are through the roof.4d ago64d ago6