How to reawaken the warrior in you today so you create with power…

Alex Mathers
3 min readJul 24, 2024


I’ll be honest; I’ve been feeling flat and rather uninspired lately.

I haven’t been able to muster the excitement I had during specific periods to write enlivened articles.

But my best writing always appears when I can connect with something emotional — something that aligns with my deeper spirit. This is why emotional writing is often met with resonance.

What I need to continually remind myself is this:

No matter what’s going on in your life, you are never closed off from a powerful energy source that erupts within.

Things don’t need to be a certain way for you to be in the zone.

It’s easy to forget this.

We forget because we fall into believing that life happens to us.

It doesn’t, and it never did.

The illusion is so seemingly real and so viscerally immersive that we don’t see it another way.

We create everything.

This isn’t an understatement.

This is so because of one unchanging and pivotal element upon which our experience hinges.

We perceive.



Alex Mathers

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