Twenty-one sentences that will make you a better writer than 98% of people

Learn these to triple your engagement.

Alex Mathers
3 min readSep 15, 2024


People say I’m a writing machine.

But what I really am is a man with momentum.

I’ve been writing and sharing online for a good fifteen years.

I still share writing that flops, but often, these were more experimental posts or I was at the mercy of an algorithm change.

I’ve shared hundreds of articles and thousands of posts. The amount of feedback I’ve now received that shows me what works is enough to put me in a good position to share my best tips.

If you’re struggling to write posts that engage, absorb the following ideas that helped me the most:

Excellent writing has more to do with the emotional state you create in yourself as you write than any clever template or tactic used.

Readers are hungry for honesty, so learn to become comfortable being honest in your writing.

Use the simple story structure of hook, build and payoff to deliver your words, but beyond that, don’t worry about using complicated templates and formats.

You will struggle to write over the long term if you don’t view writing as a craft to enjoy and master.



Alex Mathers
Alex Mathers

Written by Alex Mathers

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