Twelve brutal truths about success few dare tell you

Alex Mathers
3 min readSep 14, 2024


39 years on this planet has been a hell of a ride.

My bitter struggles taught me far more than my wins.

Here are some hard-hitting truths about success that most people are too afraid to admit:

Your potential is a myth.

Forget that “you can be anything” crap.

Don’t worry. Understanding this is a good thing because now you’re forced to get real and narrow in on stuff you can really make a dent with.

You have limits. Embrace them. Work within them.

Exceed them where possible. But don’t delude yourself.

Talent is overrated.

Raw talent without discipline is worse than uselessness.

It’s a waste.

Consistent effort trumps innate ability every time.

Let your consistent actions combine with talent to produce something astounding.

Failure isn’t a teacher.

Failure only teaches those clever enough to learn.

Most people fail repeatedly without gaining a damn thing.

Be the exception.

Your dreams don’t matter.



Alex Mathers
Alex Mathers

Written by Alex Mathers

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