The nine daily habits of the most elite modern men

Alex Mathers
4 min readNov 4, 2023


Hey pencil arms, lean in and give this a read..

This is an elite list for a reason, and you don’t need to follow it to the tee, especially if you’re a straight baby back bitch.

Let’s go:

1. Beat the sun up.

Beyond the joys of witnessing the slow stirring of life in the early morning, sunrises and gaining back more time, there is a powerful sense of ownership that comes from getting up early.

Generals with donkey nuts get up before their slumbering armies, just like you emerge before anyone else.

Doing things that elite people do instantly makes you elite. You embody the figure of a leader.

Wake when it’s dark. Your life will change.

Don’t whine, just do this tomorrow.

2. Nofap / retention.

The temptations can be huge, and I get it. But you sabotage your success greatly if you fiddle your Jimmy Jangler or watch Sally shaking her milkers on Wimp Hub.

The benefits of quitting are documented and monumental over the longer term.

Handling your sexual urges is the foundational habit that transfers into all other disciplines. Elite men can say no to pussy handed…



Alex Mathers

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