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The art of ‘not shoulding’ (and what this does to your performance)

Alex Mathers


When was the last time you ‘shoulded?’

And don’t be embarrassed. We all ‘should.’

It’s just that some of us do it more than most, and it is likely hurting you.

I should go to the gym.

I should socialise more because I’ve been sitting indoors on my butt, watching movies back to back for months.

I should cook for myself more and stop ordering processed Uber crap.

Why do we do this?

Because it’s good for us, right?

We do it out of a sense of self-care and genuine concern for self-improvement and massive success!

It’s how we attempt to exert some control over our chaotic lives.


But entertaining thoughts of how we should be doing things differently rarely feels good.

It’s a form of self-beratement that is felt as frustration, stress and even despair.

It’s establishing where you think you need to be without actually being there yet — while judging yourself for not being there yet.

It’s a black thought.

