Ten ways I transformed my writing from boring to fresh

Alex Mathers
4 min readDec 4, 2023

How I transformed my writing and blew up my articles.

For years my articles were ignored.

A lot of frustration occurred before I learned the route to originality and began sharing fresh takes on old ideas.

You can use all the clever tricks, techniques and templates you like as a writer, but you won’t attract interest until you’ve written something no one has seen before.

So, here’s what I’ve learned about keeping my writing original:

Make it personal.

No one has had your experience and seen the world through your unique lens.

The more you make it truly about what you know, how it impacted you, and how you think, the more original (and fascinating) it is likely to be.

Stop self-censoring.

The juicy stuff comes out of being willing to make mistakes and even offend others.

Most of us try to avoid this. We write to avoid mistake-making. This will kill your originality.

Writers are blessed with the ability to edit, which podcasters, live streamers, and presenters cannot. We can take out the sensitive stuff later, but only once you have written…

