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Ten things I did to become calmer as I got older

Alex Mathers


(Without taking pills or selling my soul to the devil)

I was a pretty nervous dude in my youth.

But I’ve put a lot of time and energy into calming down.

Some stuff didn’t work at all and made me more uptight. But a lot did help.

Here are some things that I do that keep me pretty chill and enjoying life:

I focused more on work, projects and pursuits that brought me to life.

When I found myself in fascinating work like drawing and writing (and writing stuff I actually cared about), I was in flow more of the time.

This profoundly affected stilling my mind and transferring those high-energy effects to all areas of life.

I learned the subtle art of not being a little whiny bitch.

This sounds crass and awfully politically incorrect — and indeed, it is. But it also works.


Because it reflects wisdom that has travelled through the ages: when we stop focusing on what we dislike around us, practice non-resistance and just take action, we’re literally empowering ourselves.

