Ten things every new online writer must know (to save time and frustration)

Alex Mathers
6 min read5 days ago

I’ve written (pretty much) consistently for over a decade and built an audience of over 150,000 souls.

Not all of them read my stuff consistently, but many do, and it’s impacted my life in countless ways.

There’s much I would pass on to a beginner without hesitation.

This could (will) save you frustration and time.

All of these apply to seasoned writers as much as those starting out:

Get clear about why writing consistently is essential for you.

Developing your writing skills and seeing traction with your words will only come with writing a lot over a significant period.

There are no buts or ifs about it. You need to be open to writing a lot if you want to call yourself a writer and make a dent.

Consistently pushing out words won’t happen if you run at the first pang of discomfort.

Your mood won’t be enough to keep you in the game. It’s your commitment that will.

You must make a commitment in stone to write consistently.

You are a writer, so commit to writing today (and tomorrow).

