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Seven subtle behaviours that ruin your relationships

Alex Mathers


Decades of clumsily spoiling my relationships, combined with an unhealthy obsession into human behaviour and attraction-dynamics has compelled me to write this for you love-birds.

Let’s get down and dirty:

Your obsession with ‘compatibility.’

One of the oft-cited reasons for many public divorces is ‘irreconcilable differences.’

Though I don’t think it means this specifically, it’s easy to think that the reason relationships often fail is because you two were too different.

Wrong. A successful relationship has nothing to do with compatibility — or your freaking star signs.

If anything, if you guys are on two ends of the same spectrum, this makes for a more interesting and ‘stickier’ relationship. It’s not Jake’s interest in ancient Egyptian death ceremonies that puts you off.

It’s your inability to let go of the prickly idea that you guys are ‘incompatible’ in the first place. It’s in the mind. That’s the problem.

Looking to them for validation.

If you decide to be in a relationship to be validated by another human, you’re on dangerous terrain.

