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Nineteen ways to infuse FUN into your writing process (and have fun consistently)

A guy I follow on X asked his followers:

Alex Mathers
4 min readNov 12, 2023


‘What’s ONE challenge people face when trying to grow on Twitter?’

I tweet responded:

‘Losing the enjoyment to create and write. You need to find a way to have fun here or you’ll give up.’

He inspired me to write a post on all the ways we can make consistent writing enjoyable.

Here’s what I know to work having written close to 110,000 tweets in the last 12 years:

Be obsessed

The energy around obsession will carry you further than anyone else. Obsession grows out of momentum. Don’t think, just write, and you will be energised to write more. There’s little more exhilarating than being taken by this current.

Make it a game

Most of us make things personal: ‘I’m just not a writer,’ ‘I’m not cut out for writing every day.’

Sorry, bud, but who cares about you? Let go of yourself and focus on your system. So make your system a fun game. Draw a big X on your wall calendar each day you write.

Be real



Alex Mathers

Helping you develop a consistent writing habit with impact. Regular tips: