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Nine unique habits that will motivate you more than 95% of people

Alex Mathers


For most of my life, I believed motivation was a personality trait possessed by the lucky few.

I was wrong.

It turns out we cultivate unstoppable motivation through our behaviours.

In other words, we can choose to be motivated.

I learned after years of procrastination that when I took on motivated habits, I realised more energy than I knew I had.

Though I don’t always feel motivated, these habits keep me feeling motivated more of the time:

1. Daily ideation.

I never knew that feeling like a creative machine was a thing, until I started writing brainstorm lists as a daily habit.

The brain responds to our repeated behaviours. In other words, we become more and more creative the more we use our creative muscle.

When we regularly create new ideas and solutions, we feel more motivated.


Because to create with intensity is to answer the call of what it means to be human.

2. Commit to elite physical health.

‘Taking care of yourself’ is boring.



Alex Mathers

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