Knowing this will make you give less of a f*ck about what others think

I worry too much about what other people think of me.

Alex Mathers
7 min readMay 22, 2024


I’m concerned about how I look and how I hold myself when I’m in public.

I worry that I’m not funny enough or that I can be too serious, or that my neuroses are painfully visible to those around me.

I have fears that even though I read a fair amount of self-help stuff, I still can’t get over myself and just relax, and I don’t know why I keep taking myself and everything else so seriously.

I am constricted and stunted and introverted, and I get depressed.

I know I am capable of so much more. I know that out of my full potential, I keep butting up against the eight percent mark.

I can stay down here, or I can figure out a way to rise above such mental turmoil.

How can I just get over myself and enjoy life?

By simply being yourself…

Just kidding.

We’ve heard this a million times before. ‘Just smile.’ ‘You’re only human.’ ‘Just be yourself.’ Yada yada.

This all makes sense on the surface, and it’s heartwarming for about seven seconds.

