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If you suffered a ‘failure,’ read this

Alex Mathers


You really wanted it, but it didn’t work out.

I get it.

You felt humiliated. I get it. I’ve been there.

But did you ever take a moment to see this ‘setback’ in a helpful light?

Answer me this: did what happened reveal something about your strength?

What you did took strength.

Yes, it did.

You know it took strength.

You did what you knew to be right.

You pressed ‘start,’ you entered the arena, and you played.

That’s bold.

Others sat back in their rooms and chose to be passive.

You didn’t.

So don’t give me this shit about doubting yourself.


No one knows you, your secrets, your deeper talents, or your story.

Why are you giving others the power for their judgements to hurt you?

And what if your ‘setback’ wasn’t a setback at all?

What if what happened was the best thing that ever happened to you? Think about it for a moment.

Yes, you see. You did find a way to see it in a new light.



Alex Mathers

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