If you have any shame, take these six steps to dissolve it, so you can return to your badass self

Alex Mathers
3 min readApr 21, 2024

Shame can lock us in our own prison for life.

I had lots of shame for many years around being shy and awkward at school, which infected my confidence growing up.

I’ve realised that to be without shame is to know true freedom, joy and self-expression.

Here’s how to get there:

Step 1: Understand that shame is nothing more than a thought you have been habitually trusting.

The shame you feel about some ‘truth’ or past event is your emotional experience of an idea you hold in your mind.

It seems true because thoughts can appear genuine. But they are things you made up in your head. It’s all perception, and you feel that idea in the body when you cling to it.

That’s ALL we’re dealing with. Ok, now we’re starting to cook with gas…

Step 2: Where’s the shame?

Get out a paper and pen, and note down some situations in your life where you tend to feel self-conscious, avoidant or anxious.

These are places where shameful thoughts manifest. Brainstorm.

