Me using a friend’s Vision Pro in Sofia, Bulgaria

How to clone yourself so your online brand grows faster

Alex Mathers


I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but building a personal brand well into the future seems like a ton of work.

It can be.

There’s no doubt you need to be as active as you can be in creating and engaging consistently online. Especially if you’re starting out and can’t hire help right now.

But I learned it doesn’t need to break your back.

If you’ve already produced and shared a fair amount of content, there is gold here.

One way I exploded my following on Medium to close to 200,000 followers, for example, was by using much of my older content.

I repurposed and re-shared.

I took a look at my best performing posts and articles and re-wrote posts on the same idea but with a different spin, structure or attached story.

In fact, when you look at my entire online brand presence, you’ll see it’s just basically me spreading the same nine ideas over and over.

I just got good at mixing it up.

Don’t always try so hard to be original.

Test what works, then do more of the stuff that works.

Multiply your effort by re-using old, proven ideas.



Alex Mathers

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