Forty unconventional life success tips I wish I knew younger: A 40-year-old man’s guide to screwing up less

I’m 40 today.

Alex Mathers
6 min readSep 19, 2024


I suppose I’m not your average 40-year-old.

I’m a Brit who has lived in a new country every one or two years, and I now live in Bulgaria. I’ve lived in over fourteen countries.

I used to be terribly anxious, but now I look forward to waking up each day.

My most sacred priorities are freedom, prolific creative output, contribution, self-reliance, and adaptability.

I was a digital illustrator in my twenties and a business coach in my thirties. I’ve built a readership of over 200,000, make enough money from my own business to live well, and my investments are solid.

I haven’t had a real job since age 23, and I’ve worked for my own company since then.

My path is obviously not for everyone, and I have my stumbles and frustrations, but I’ve also never been happier, contrary to what many assume would be true for a single 40-year-old.

Here are forty of the best life lessons from someone like me:

  1. One of the best things I did for my mental strength was to realise that life is a dream. You get to live that dream today. Our minds literally project our…



Alex Mathers
Alex Mathers

Written by Alex Mathers

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