Eight tiny behaviours that lose you respect

Alex Mathers
4 min readJun 26, 2024

Watching people around me in everyday life is like peering into a continually-running documentary on human behaviour.

It’s fascinating how simple behaviour shifts can profoundly influence how others perceive us.

Taking an interest in this may seem superficial, but many can struggle unnecessarily without at least a basic awareness of the signals we transmit.

Let’s take a look at a few:

1. Impatience.

Respectable people aren’t in a hurry.

If they were, something in their life is out of whack.

You may hurry in an emergency, and that’s fine, but if this becomes your normal, this signals to others, and yourself, that you’re out of control. You need not be rushed.

You know that you’re far more efficient when you move at the speed of life.

You are comfortable in your being able to handle what life throws at you with a relaxed sense of ownership.

2. Interrupting.

I see this happening at a seemingly increasing rate in the modern, distracted age.

This is frustrating if I’m speaking and you can’t wait to interject with your opinion as I’m talking.

