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Eight little behaviours blocking you from notable success

Alex Mathers


Are you holding yourself back from ‘success?’

I’m not here to tell you what success should look like for you.

Maybe you want that mansion in the hills, but perhaps you’re content with a simple life and to be left alone.

Either way, I will do my best to help you find your way in a language that can be applied universally, whatever your aims and plans.

I’ve experienced relentless self-sabotage over the years. And I’ve seen it repeatedly appear in the hundreds I work with as a coach.

But I’ve also seen how incredible things are possible when we get out of our own way.

These are the subtle behaviours that can block you:

Using rumination as a life-management tool.

They did a survey asking people if they had a choice — would they want to completely eradicate worry from their lives.

Many said they’d: ‘prefer to hold on to at least some worry.’


Because many believe that chewing cyclically on thoughts is in some way practical. It isn’t.

Worry is a woeful misuse of our imagination. When we worry, all we do is pollute our emotional experience…



Alex Mathers

Helping you develop a consistent writing habit with impact. Regular tips: