I used to overthink like it was a national sport.
This happened because I felt I needed more control over my chaotic life.
I didn’t know what decision to make. So I’d think it through.
I’d hold off on trying things and experimenting.
Stuck in thinking, the same thing would happen again and again:
I’d become overwhelmed by the volume of thoughts swirling. Then I’d just get angry with myself and spend the rest of the afternoon sulking.
Learning that the solution wasn’t to think harder took me a while. It was to think less.
But it wasn’t about playing dumb.
I needed to do more.
When we throw ourselves into things, do more and think less, something interesting happens.
A secondary guidance system splutters into motion.
We receive ever more wise insights about what’s worth doing.
With a stiller mind (because you’re in motion), you are operating from a different place; a place of instinct rather than fear.
And things feel like they click.
I realised I didn’t need to plan everything so hard. I just needed to chill the f*ck out and go with the flow.