At 39, here are 16 things I’d tell my 19-year-old self about making the most of every day

Alex Mathers
4 min readSep 14, 2024


As I teeter on the edge of what many consider a major life milestone (40 years), I feel reflective.

I’m people-watching at a Sofia cafe.

I see people of different styles, shapes and compositions stroll past, rushing to work. Many are lost in thought.

It’s difficult to gauge what’s going on in their lives. But these people likely experience life entirely differently from one another.

We can have the same job, but one is miserable, and the other is happy.

Knowing why this is comes from philosophy.

Here are sixteen succinct life philosophies I’d tell my younger self so he’d make the most of his day:

The quickest way to misery is to overestimate your thoughts and underestimate your actions.

An imbalanced body contributes to unnecessary anxiety, which steals from your most energised, authentic you.

To maintain harmony in your body, the best thing you can do is avoid stimulants like smoking, alcohol, drugs, porn and processed food.



Alex Mathers
Alex Mathers

Written by Alex Mathers

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