Ten little actions that make you more confident than 95% of peopleBy making small and simple changes, we can impact our self-perception and energise ourselves quickly.Just nowJust now
How to stop taking things personally so you experience more success in life“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.” — Epictetus14h ago114h ago1
What silence is trying to tell youWhen was the last time you sat in complete silence?21h ago621h ago6
The secret to high energy that most missImagine a glass of water with a fine layer of residue at the bottom.1d ago31d ago3
12 ways to turn your life experiences into a profitable online brandThere was a time when I had so much to say but struggled to get my ideas and personality out into the world.1d ago1d ago
The magic of asymmetric life bets: the small risks that could lead to massive upsidesMost people get risk completely backward and suffer the consequences for decades.1d ago11d ago1
Eight uncomfortable truths about why some people are instantly likeableI spent years watching people who seemed to make friends without trying.3d ago143d ago14
Fifteen tiny ideas that quickly drain stress from your lifeRates of stress are seemingly going up for large numbers of people at an alarming rate.3d ago43d ago4
Set yourself apart with a skill most people suck atDo you notice yourself getting more easily frustrated when things take time?3d ago53d ago5
This often ignored idea will multiply your passion to succeedOf all the lofty goals people set for themselves year after year, how many of them do you think they reach?4d ago34d ago3