21 sentences to make you more resilient than 97% of people
Resilience is being able to get back up quickly after a setback.
But even a setback is subjective. Most of our experience takes place in the mind. We can create a painful existence, or we can create an enlivening one.
Here are some things I learned to help me move past many life stresses and develop my resilience:
We feel our thoughts like they are the same thing, so when we think stressful thoughts, we instantly feel stressed.
Most of mental wellness lies in simply understanding how our thoughts dictate our experience.
When we feel fear, it’s because we are in that very moment thinking a fearful thought.
It’s helpful to know that every human has experienced fear, so it’s human to occasionally feel emotional.
You can’t think your way to a calmer mind, but you can physically relax, which calms the mind.
Slowing down your breathing rate is one of the most direct routes to decreasing anxiety.
Resilience is mainly tied to how long you are willing to tolerate doubtful thoughts.
When you look for the opportunity in every failure, mistake and setback, you’re well on your way to being unstoppable.