14 tips for head-turning writing you won’t find in any writing manual

Alex Mathers
5 min readSep 22, 2023

Fourteen years of writing online, mostly crap, with a few gems, has taught me much.

You will not read this in any formal writing guide.

Enter at your own risk…

Don’t share if it’s not awkward.

Share pieces that make you a little nervous. We live at a time where few speak the truth for fear of being politically incorrect.

The messages we see in the media and lots of content are smothered in delusion, wrapped in an additional layer of bullshit. People are ravenous for honesty.

Say what few dare say. Don’t get yourself banned — tread with awareness and grace — but don’t let that be an excuse to avoid being real.

Readers flock to those with courage.

Don’t be consistent.

Consistency is boring.

It’s almost as dull as: ‘discipline.’ Yawn.

Instead, be relentless.

When you bring a warrior-like energy to even your daily writing, everything changes.

Consistency becomes effortless and inevitable. Attack with words. Show the world you mean business until they can’t help but gather around.

