Art by Alex.

11 quotes from famous authors that will make you a better writer

Alex Mathers


For years, I’ve shared my ideas on how to improve as a writer.

But so many great authors and writers have come before who can prompt fresh insights and say it better than I could. Even in a single line.

Let’s look at the ideas of some writers who impacted the world with their words.

What can they teach us about improving the craft?

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.” — Stephen King

You and I know this intimately.

It’s icky to stare at a blank page, knowing you said you’d write, and now you’re here, you want to be elsewhere. Maybe I can get a little more inspiration on YouTube? No! It’s time.

When the start is the hardest part, what do you do? You minimise the time spent in the start. And how do you do that?

You make like a concert pianist and twiddle your fingers.

“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.” — E.L. Doctorow

Mr Doctorow reminds us to ease off the pressure of having everything figured out before you start.



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